Sharon Natoli

Founding Director, Food & Nutrition Australia


Based in Sydney, Australia, Sharon Natoli is a visionary thinker, optimist and author of the book Food for a Better Future – a new direction for the global business of food. She is passionate about the role food and eating together play to nourish and connect people, cultures and the planet to a better future.

Sharon speaks at conferences and events to inspire, inform and influence leaders and organisations across the food sector to align strategy, innovation and communication with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while putting forward the business case for change.

She draws on her highly developed communication skills and 30 years of professional experience in food, nutrition and business to shine a light on organisations leading change, while inspiring others to follow suit.

Sharon is the Founding Director of Food & Nutrition Australia (est. 1997), and host of The Virtual Lunch Room, a weekly forum sharing stories of change across the food sector.


Phone : +61 2 92 62 12 11

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Website: Sharon Natoli