Can Inellioglu

Egeliyem Co-Founder


Can Inellioglu is a B.Sc. mechanical engineer and a consultant for blockchain & decentralized finance businesses. His engineering background contributes greatly to his work in tech based and creative fields such as blockchain and astrophotography. He is currently the EU lead for one of the top blockchain businesses. Can co-founded StellarXperiences which offers Astrophotography and Astronomy based experiences in Anatolia region. Besides all the high tech in his daily life, Can is the co-founder of “egeliyem” local food concept along with Leyla Borovali. Together they forage for wild and local ingredients around the Aegean region, then they set the table (“sofra”) up in ever-changing coordinates out in the nature and dine with their guests. All ingredients are locally sourced and freshly caught/gathered early in the morning. Can & Leyla spread out the word by creating awareness in the importance of consuming local food and contributing to local economy during the “sofra” sessions. They are also in constant contact with local businesses, farmers, producers, fisherman. Can believes that change starts individually, which then leads to an exponential growth thanks to communication and sharing.

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